Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blade the part of a knife, scissors, or other tool that cuts.
brain the organ in the body that controls thought, movement, and feeling. The brain is inside the skull.
bury to cover in the ground with dirt.
cellar a room that is built under the ground. People use it for storing things.
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
counter a long, high table. People sit on stools or stand at a counter to eat, prepare food, or do business.
loss failure to win; defeat.
mop a tool with cloth at the end of a stick that is used to clean floors and other things.
panic a sudden strong fear or anger that causes people to act without thinking.
pill a small piece of medicine that is taken by mouth.
quiet making little or no noise.
short not long in size or time.
sky the air or space above the earth.
spit1 to force saliva or something else from the mouth.
storm a violent event in weather. In a storm, there may be a lot of rain, snow, or wind.