Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acceptable good enough to be approved of; satisfactory.
conversation talk between people.
costly having a high price or value.
coward a person who does not have the courage to face danger, pain, or something difficult.
endeavor to make an effort; try; strive.
hive something built for or by bees to live in.
lance a weapon with a long pole and pointed metal head.
museum a building where collections of objects that are important to history, art, or science are kept and shown to the public.
obtain to get; gain.
ooze to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze.
outer of or having to do with the part most distant from the center.
personality all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others.
runt a dog, pig, or other animal that is the smallest of a litter.
stubble the stubs of crop stalks, as of corn, that remain in the ground after the crop has been cut.
vain not leading to a desirable or lasting effect.