Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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compatriot a fellow citizen.
concourse a large open space, as in a railway station, where many people pass or gather.
condole to express sympathy or sorrow for one suffering misfortune or pain.
degeneration the process of decline or decay.
earthy realistic, practical, and unpretentious.
engulf to cover entirely, as if by a flood.
exculpate to free (a person or group) from guilt or blame, or from the suspicion of guilt or blame.
exuberant vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited.
grassroots originating with or operating among the common people.
horticulture the art or science of growing vegetables, flowers, fruits, or ornamental plants.
inverse opposite or reversed in position, order, direction, nature, or effect.
lithe characterized by light, graceful, flexible movements.
monolithic large, unyielding, and without diversity.
seclusion the act of isolating or hiding away, or the condition of being isolated in this way.
vagrant one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp.