Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ample large in size, amount, or space; as much or more than is needed.
conqueror one who defeats another.
conservative wanting things to stay as they are; not favoring change.
emphatic forceful, determined, or insistent in speech or action.
enliven to cause to be lively or cheerful.
grate1 a frame of crossed or parallel metal bars used as a covering or guard over an opening.
inflate to make larger or expand.
interval the period of time between two events or situations.
jubilee a particularly celebrated anniversary, such as the fiftieth, or the celebration itself.
menace that which presents a danger or threat.
norm a model or standard, especially one that is generally accepted or followed.
organizational of or relating to organization or an organization.
specific pertaining to a particular thing or person and to nothing else of the same kind; particular.
summon to call to appear for a particular purpose.
versatile able to do many different things well.