Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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advocate to speak or act in favor of.
anarchist a person who believes in, desires, or tries to realize a society or state without a government.
digestible capable of being broken down and absorbed as food.
disinterest lack of bias or self-interest; impartiality.
eddy to move or turn in circles or eddies.
havoc ruin or devastation.
hedonistic adhering to or characterized by the principle that pleasure should be the primary aim in life.
leaven to produce fermentation in (dough or batter), consequently causing the dough or batter to rise in the process of baking.
negligible so small or unimportant as to be of no account; trifling or insignificant.
nonconformity refusal or failure to adjust one's behavior and actions to accord or comply with societal customs, values, or the like.
plagiarize to wrongfully and deliberately claim as one's own (the ideas, words, or the like) of someone else.
spontaneous happening in a free way; not forced.
valediction a farewell speech, especially one given by a student of the highest honors at a graduation ceremony.
vestige a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing.
virtuoso a person who demonstrates exceptional ability, style, or skill, especially in music.