Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alas a word used to express sadness or disappointment.
buck3 an informal word for a U.S. dollar.
capability the quality of being skilled or able; ability.
certain sure; positive; having no doubt.
chain a row of links, usually made of metal, that are joined together and used to pull, hold, or fasten something.
decay to rot or become rotted.
governor a person who leads a state of the United States or some other political unit.
imaginary existing only in the mind.
penitentiary a prison for people who have been found guilty of serious crimes.
response a written or spoken answer; reply.
sketch a drawing or painting that was done in a hurry or without detail. Sketches are sometimes done to prepare for later work.
stocky thick, sturdy, and often short in build or form; stout.
sustainable of or related to a method of managing or using a resource so that the resource is never used up or forever damaged.
testimony a statement made under oath before a judge in a court of law.
widen to make or become broader.