Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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annotate to provide (a written work) with explanatory notes or critical commentary.
characterize to describe the particular character or qualities of; give certain characteristics to.
complexity the state or condition of being complex or complicated.
continuous going on without pausing or stopping; not broken.
derive to obtain from a particular source (usually followed by "from").
diva a renowned female opera singer; prima donna.
doom an event or end that one cannot escape; fate; destiny.
forte1 a strong or exceptional point, such as a talent or skill.
intervention the act of interfering so as to prevent something from happening
laden filled with a great weight.
mar to damage or spoil, especially on the surface or face, but not severely.
parental of or relating to the role of a mother or father.
portray to make a picture of in images or words.
transient brief in duration; temporary.
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by this device.