Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bend a curved thing, part, or area; curve.
cash money in the form of bills and coins.
driver a person who drives, or a person whose job is to drive.
file1 a place for keeping documents or other objects safe and in order. A file can be something that holds papers or a space on a computer.
herd the common people; most people. The expression "He (or she) follows the herd" means that a person tends to do what everybody else does, like a cow in a herd, and does not think for himself or herself.
holder an object used for holding.
lay1 to put something down so that it is flat against a surface.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree.
microphone a device that changes sound waves into electronic signals. Microphones are used to make sounds louder or to broadcast or record them.
open not shut or closed.
pulse the regular beating of the arteries that is caused by the beating of the heart. The pulse can be felt in the wrist or neck.
room an area of a building separated from similar areas by walls or doors.
shortcut a quicker or more direct way to go somewhere.
slot a long, narrow opening into which something may be put.
thunder the loud noise you sometimes hear during a violent rain storm.