Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bind to tie together or fasten tightly with a rope or cord.
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers and usually covered by a door or doors. Cabinets are used to store or hold objects.
catastrophe an event that brings great harm, suffering, or loss to a large area or many people; terrible disaster.
consistently in a way that remains the same as the established pattern.
creativity the ability to make or invent something original or imaginative.
distance the measure of space between things, places, or points in time.
immigration the act of coming to live permanently in a new country.
mechanical made of or having to do with machines.
member one of the people or things in a particular group.
pamper to treat or please with too much care or attention; spoil.
previous coming just before another.
roughly approximately; about.
solitary being, traveling, or living without others; alone.
substance a particular kind of matter.
sulk to express anger or bad humor by being silent or distant.