Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bucolic of or suggesting the countryside or a rustic style of life, especially one that is quiet and pleasant.
dais a raised platform for speakers or the seating of special guests.
devoid not having something; totally lacking.
evasion the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something.
fetid having a foul odor; stinking.
impetus something that urges or impels; a driving force.
incise to cut into the surface of.
infringe to cross established limits; encroach; trespass (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
interim the interval of time between two events.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
objectivity the quality of being unbiased or without prejudice.
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning.
quibble an unimportant, petty, or trivial disagreement or objection.
resonance ability to make a strong or lasting effect, especially because of an emotional association.
sinuous having many curves or turns.