Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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advantageous giving a benefit or advantage; helpful; useful.
ascendant moving upward; rising.
cohort (often derogatory) a friend or associate.
decorous proper or formal with respect to behavior, manners, appearance, or the like.
derivation the source of a thing; origin.
embellish to improve by, or as though by, decorations; decorate.
extant still in existence; current; not extinct, destroyed, or lost.
grandiloquent speaking or expressed in a pretentious, pompous, or excessively ornate fashion.
inescapable unable to be avoided or ignored.
intermittent alternately stopping and starting with pauses in between.
invalidate to deprive a claim of force or effect by negating its factual or legal basis.
pensive thoughtful in a sad or deeply serious way.
repertory a stock of skills, talents, or performing pieces; repertoire.
squalid dirty or foul, as from neglect.
untimely not occurring at a convenient or appropriate time; poorly timed.