Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basin an open, shallow bowl used to hold water for washing.
elegant fine or rich in quality.
faint weak or slight.
feature a part of the face such as the eyes, nose, or chin.
forbid to give orders that prevent or prohibit.
groove a long narrow cut or dent in a surface.
knit to make by knitting.
mechanical made of or having to do with machines.
multiply to increase the number, degree, or amount of.
perimeter the boundary or border of a figure or area.
possession the act or condition of having or owning something.
queasy feeling sick to one's stomach.
traditional relating to customs and ways of doing things in a particular culture that are passed down from parents to children.
unable not having the power, skill, or means needed to do something; not able.
vain not leading to a desirable or lasting effect.