Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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conqueror one who defeats another.
consideration careful attention or thought.
deviation difference or divergence, as from a typical pattern, accepted social norms, political orthodoxy, or the like.
epidemic an outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly to many people in one area.
expressive full of feeling or meaning.
hostility the state of being unfriendly or full of hate.
ratio a relation or comparison between numbers or things based on amount or degree.
retail having to do with the selling of goods directly to those who will use them.
specify to name or otherwise indicate explicitly.
spectrum a band of colors that is formed when light is passed through a prism, or in some other way. The six colors of a spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
splendor grandeur or magnificence.
sustain to provide with the basic necessities of life.
tendency the fact of being likely to act in some way.
terminal found at or forming the end of something.
toxin any poisonous substance that is produced by living cells or living organisms.