Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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amaze to surprise greatly or fill with wonder; astonish.
cautious taking care to avoid danger or trouble; careful.
confine to keep within limits; restrict.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
enable to give means or power to; make able; allow.
enchant to put under a magic spell; bewitch.
fender a metal guard over the wheel of a truck, car, or bicycle.
foe one who wishes ill on another; personal enemy.
hoarse having a rough and weak sound because of illness or too much use.
increase an addition in size or amount.
knit to make by knitting.
relative a person who belongs to the same family as someone else.
straggle to stray from or drop behind a group.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.
wrestle to struggle to throw and hold another to the ground, often as a sport or game.