Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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antidote a substance that stops poison from working or cures a disease.
athletic having to do with sports and other physical activities.
bellow to shout loudly and with a deep tone.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
enrich to make wealthier.
flit to fly or move in a quick or light way.
heavenly having to do with heaven as in religion or the space above the earth.
horrify to cause feelings of fear and repulsion in; frighten; shock.
personally in person; without the aid of others.
presence the state or condition of being in a place at a certain time.
ruffle to disturb a smooth, even surface.
slick1 having a smooth, shiny, or slippery surface.
talent a natural skill or ability.
thrill to cause to feel a sudden, sharp excitement.
traditional relating to customs and ways of doing things in a particular culture that are passed down from parents to children.