Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
advantage a better chance or position; upper hand.
automatic working or operating by itself.
clench to close tightly shut.
density the state or condition of having parts very close together with little space between.
documentary a film that explores real facts and events and often includes photographs or short videos of the events as they happened.
insecure without enough protection; not safe or secure.
membership the state of belonging to a particular group or organization.
old-fashioned looking or being like past styles, manners, or ways of behaving.
satellite a heavenly body that moves around a planet or another larger body.
smash to break into small pieces by hitting, throwing, or dropping, often making a loud noise.
starter someone or something that starts.
survival the act or fact of continuing to exist or be alive.
testimony a statement made under oath before a judge in a court of law.
unleash to set free from or as if from a leash.