Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absence the fact or condition of being away or not present.
altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
bewitch to enchant or cast a spell over with magic or as if with magic.
beyond past the farthest side of; farther on than; later than.
chilly causing a cool feeling that is uncomfortable.
flexibility the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
intrude to enter or thrust oneself in when not invited or welcome.
stutter to repeat sounds when speaking, as if unable to complete or begin certain words.
supreme having the highest rank, position, or authority.
taxpayer one who pays or owes taxes.
temperature the degree of heat or cold of an object or an environment.
triumph the winning of a great victory or success.
valley a long area of low land between mountains or hills. A stream or river often runs through a valley.
visible able to be seen.