Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
beholder one who looks or sees.
blame to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault.
cackle sharp, broken laughter.
convince to cause to believe or accept (often followed by "of").
gorgeous very beautiful; splendid.
mascot an animal, person, or thing that is considered to bring good luck. Mascots are sometimes kept by a sports team.
maximum being or having the largest amount or number possible.
perimeter the boundary or border of a figure or area.
protective keeping safe from harm or used to shield against danger.
quicken to make faster; accelerate.
recline to lie down in a comfortable position.
satisfy to give what is wanted or needed.
selfish concerned only with oneself and not concerned about others.
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.