soft chancre |
a chancroid. |
soft coal |
see "bituminous coal." |
soft drink |
a nonalcoholic beverage, esp. one that is carbonated; soda or soda pop. |
soft goods |
merchandise that lasts for a limited time, esp. textile products; dry goods. |
soft landing |
the controlled landing of a spacecraft without damage. |
soft palate |
the movable fold of flesh at the rear of the roof of the mouth that closes off the nasal cavity from the mouth during swallowing or sucking; velum. |
soft pedal |
a pedal, as on a piano, used to soften musical tones. |
soft sell |
an indirect, subtle, and relaxed style of advertising or selling. |
soft shoulder |
an unpaved strip of earth running alongside a road. |
soft soap |
liquid or semiliquid soap. [2 definitions] |
soft wheat |
a wheat that has a high starch content and yields a flour used in pastries, cereals, and the like. (Cf. hard wheat.) |
soft-boiled |
of an egg, boiled so that the yolk or white remains soft. (Cf. hard-boiled.) [2 definitions] |
soft-cover |
a book bound in a flexible cover, esp. of paper; paperback. [2 definitions] |
soft-hearted |
having a compassionate and generous spirit; sympathetic. |
soft-pedal |
to use the pedal on a piano that mutes the tone. [3 definitions] |
soft-shell |
of a crab or other animal, having a flexible, fragile, or unhardened shell. [2 definitions] |
soft-shoe |
of or designating a type of tap dancing done without metal taps on the shoes. [2 definitions] |
soft-soap |
(informal) to cajole, flatter, or curry favor with. [2 definitions] |
soft-spoken |
of a person, speaking with a soft or mild voice. [2 definitions] |