Word Explorer
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Elementary Dictionary


parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer
part of speech: verb
inflections: rinses, rinsing, rinsed
definition 1: When you rinse something, like your hair or a dish, you run water over it to remove things like soap or loose dirt or food.
There was still dish soap in the mixing bowl, so I rinsed it again.The cup looked a little dusty, so I rinsed it before I poured in the milk for my cocoa.
similar words:
definition 2: When you rinse the shampoo from your hair, you use water to make sure that all the shampoo gets out of your hair. When you rinse the dirt off a flower pot, you use water to move the dirt away.
Daniel rinsed the shampoo out of his hair in the shower.Sammy's dad washed his car, and then he rinsed the dirt and soap away with the hose.
definition 3: When you rinse, you wash things away from something with water.
When my brother and I do the dishes, I usually wash and rinse while my brother dries.
part of speech: noun
definition: A rinse is an act or instance of rinsing.
Camille gave her mouth a rinse after brushing her teeth.
derivation: rinsable (adj.)
Word Explorer
  hygiene, water