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Elementary Dictionary


part of speech: noun
definition 1: A bag is something people use to hold or carry things. Bags are made of things like cloth, paper, or soft plastic. We often bring things home from a store in a bag.
Mat brings his lunch to school in a paper bag.
similar words:
pouch, sack
definition 2: Another kind of bag is one that is very strong and often has a handle. It is used for carrying things every day or for traveling. A purse is a small bag that can hold money, keys, or other things. A suitcase is a large bag that you use to carry clothes when you go on a trip.
My mom helped me pack my bag for our trip to Florida.
similar words:
baggage, grip, handbag, luggage, pocketbook, purse, sack, suitcase
definition 3: A bag is the amount of something that a bag holds.
I was hungry and I ate the whole bag of popcorn.
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