Word Explorer
Children's Dictionary
Multi-word Results
have a bee in one's bonnet to think constantly of one idea or goal.
have a bone to pick to have reason for an argument or difference of opinion.
have a thin skin to be very easily offended.
lead a dog's life to have a life that is unhappy and filled with trouble.
lift a finger to make an effort to help or do work.
like a book completely; thoroughly.
look a gift horse in the mouth not to be grateful for a gift; to criticize something received as a gift.
M.A. a degree earned in particular fields after one or two years of additional study following college. "M.A." is an abbreviation of "Master of Arts."
M.B.A. a degree earned in accounting or other areas of business after one or two years of additional courses following college. "M.B.A." is an abbreviation of "Master of Business Administration."
make a dent in to make progress on a task by getting some of it done. [2 definitions]
make a spectacle of oneself to behave in a silly or foolish way in public.
not give a hoot (informal) to not care at all.
not hold a candle to to not do nearly as well as.
on a dime (informal) with great quickness or accuracy.
over a barrel unable to refuse because of circumstances.
quite a few a rather large number of people or things.
ring a bell to sound familiar; to cause a person to remember something.
sing a different tune to change one's opinion or behavior.
smell a rat to suspect that something is wrong.
take a bow to come forward or stand up to receive applause, recognition, or praise.