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South Africa a country in southern Africa. South Africa has three capitals, one for each main branch of its government. The capitals are Cape Town, Pretoria, and Bloemfontein.
South African of or having to do with the country of South Africa or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
South America the fourth largest continent. South America is between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It is in the Western Hemisphere.
South American of or having to do with South America, or its people or languages. [2 definitions]
South Carolina a state in the southeastern United States on the Atlantic Coast. Its capital is Columbia. (abbreviation: SC)
South China Sea a part of the Pacific Ocean between Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and China.
South Dakota a state in the midwestern United States. Its capital is Pierre. (abbreviation: SD)
South Korea a country on the eastern coast of Asia. South Korea is also called the Republic of Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
South Pole the point on the earth's surface that is farthest south. The South Pole is intersected by the southern end of the earth's axis.
South Sudan a country in central Africa. The capital of South Sudan is Juba.