Word Explorer
Children's Dictionary
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by the same token for the same reason.
changing of the guard a ceremony in which a guard is replaced by another guard.
chip off the old block someone who is very much like one of his or her parents.
come out in the wash to turn out in a satisfactory way.
cream of the crop the best one.
Democratic Republic of the Congo a country in Central Africa that is north of Angola and south of the Republic of the Congo. The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Kinshasa.
down the drain to no good purpose; wasted.
draw the line to set a limit.
fly off the handle to become very angry; lose one's temper (an informal use).
follow in the footsteps of to have the same job or lead the same kind of life as someone else.
for the most part to a large degree; usually.
for the present at least at this moment, though perhaps not afterwards.
get the show on the road (slang) to begin; get started.
get up on the wrong side of the bed to be in a bad mood from early in the day.
give someone the slip to escape from.
hit the jackpot (informal) to have sudden good luck or success; to win a jackpot.
hit the sack (slang) to go to bed.
hot under the collar (informal) very angry or upset.
in one ear and out the other heard, but with little or no attention paid.
in the clear free from danger or charges of guilt.