Word Explorer
Children's Dictionary
Multi-word Results
action verb a verb that shows its subject performing some action. "Run," "eat," "fly," and "sing" are examples of action verbs.
auxiliary verb a verb used with a main verb to complete the main verb's meaning. Some examples of auxiliary verbs are "have" in "I have escaped" and "should" in "You should go."
helping verb another name for auxiliary verb.
intransitive verb a verb that is not followed by a direct object. In the sentence, "I ran for an hour," "ran" is an intransitive verb.
linking verb a verb that connects a subject to the words that tell about the subject. In the sentence, "I was very tired," "was" is a linking verb.
transitive verb a verb that is followed by a direct object. In the sentence, "My father owns a grocery store," "owns" is a transitive verb and "grocery store" is the direct object.