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Chinese boxes a set of boxes of graded sizes, the smaller nested inside the larger.
Chinese cabbage an edible lettucelike plant with a long cylindrical head of light-colored crisp leaves.
Chinese checkers a board game for two to six players in which marbles are moved across a pattern of holes that resembles a six-pointed star.
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 an act signed into law in 1882 that barred Chinese laborers from immigrating to the U.S. for a period of ten years and, in addition, prohibited all Chinese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens. Immigrants from China were not permitted naturalized citizenship until 1943.
Chinese lantern a collapsible lantern made of thin, often brightly decorated paper; Japanese lantern.
Chinese lantern plant a perennial plant grown for its orange, lantern-shaped, inflated seed casings; winter ground cherry.
Chinese puzzle an intricate, difficult puzzle or problem.
Chinese red a bright orange-red color.
Indo-Chinese of or pertaining to Indochina or its peoples, cultures, languages, or the like. [2 definitions]