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Children's Dictionary
Multi-word Results
better off in a happier or improved condition or situation.
call off to decide not to do or have; cancel.
carry off to do with success. [2 definitions]
chip off the old block someone who is very much like one of his or her parents.
cool off (informal) to become calmer or less upset.
doze off to fall into a light sleep.
drop off to fall asleep.
first off at once; immediately.
fly off the handle to become very angry; lose one's temper (an informal use).
head off to stop or interfere with the progress of; intercept.
leave off to stop or cease.
let off to release from punishment or something unpleasant; excuse.
off base wrong; mistaken
off guard not ready; careless.
off the air not broadcast on radio or television.
off the beaten path in a place that is hard to reach or not visited often.
off the beaten track in a place difficult to reach or not often visited.
off the cuff (informal) done without planning or thinking ahead.
off the track not related to the point or issue.
off-road of a type of vehicle used away from streets and highways.