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Children's Dictionary
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average out to amount to an arithmetic average (usually followed by "to"). [2 definitions]
back out of to fail to do something that was agreed upon.
bail out (informal) to jump from an airplane with a parachute.
bawl out (informal) to scold loudly.
be out of to no longer have (something that is normally available).
beat the tar out of (informal) to beat or whip severely. [2 definitions]
black out to faint or pass out.
bow out to stop taking part in an activity; leave or resign.
branch out to try new activities, interests, or pursuits.
burn out to stop burning, or to stop functioning because of excessive friction or heat. [2 definitions]
carry out to do; to work on until finished. [3 definitions]
checkout the place where one pays for items at a supermarket or other large store.
chew out to scold (informal).
chicken out (informal) to not do something that one had planned to do, because of getting too scared.
come out to be revealed or made known. [5 definitions]
come out in the wash to turn out in a satisfactory way.
crank out to make in great numbers in a mechanical way.
cross out to remove something by drawing a line through it.
dine out to eat dinner away from one's home.
dish it out to give out criticism or harsh treatment in a heartless manner.