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automatic pilot an instrument that automatically keeps an aircraft, missile, or the like on a predetermined course at a specific altitude. [2 definitions]
pilot balloon a small balloon released to determine wind speed and direction.
pilot biscuit see "hardtack."
pilot film a film or tape of one episode of a proposed television series, designed to attract commercial sponsors and enlist network support.
pilot lamp a small electric light that indicates, when lit, that current is flowing in an electric circuit. [2 definitions]
pilot light a small gas flame in gas stoves, furnaces, and heaters which can be kept burning day and night and from which a gas burner can be ignited. [2 definitions]
pilotfish a small spiny-finned marine fish with a widely forked tail, often found near sharks.
test pilot a pilot who flies new or experimental aircraft to examine their conformity to design standards and ascertain their fitness for use.