acid rock |
a form of music popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s that has loud, often distorted sounds and harmonies, and lyrics that suggest psychedelic experiences. |
cap rock |
the solid rock layer that is immediately over a deposit of oil, gas, salt, or the like. |
folk-rock |
popular music that combines characteristic elements of folk music and rock-'n'-roll, often using lyrics similar to the former, with rhythm from the latter, as in songs of social protest. |
hard rock |
a style of rock music characterized by heavy amplification and harsh or distorted electric guitar. |
Little Rock |
the capital of Arkansas. |
phosphate rock |
sedimentary rocks that contain large amounts of calcium phosphate, used in making fertilizer, phosphorous chemicals, and the like. |
punk rock |
a loud and insistent style of rock music, characterized by deliberately offensive and aggressive lyrics, which originated in the late 1970s; punk. |
rock and rye |
a bottled combination of rye whiskey, rock candy, and fruit. |
rock bass |
an edible, freshwater game fish of eastern North America, related to the sunfish. |
rock bottom |
the very lowest point or level. |
rock brake |
any of various related ferns that grow in rocky soil. |
rock candy |
large, clear, hard nuggets of crystallized sugar. |
rock climbing |
Rock climbing is a kind of sport. In rock climbing, you use your hands and feet to climb up a steep surface of rock. Sometimes you use equipment to help you or just to keep you safe. |
Rock Cornish |
a hybrid chicken produced by mating White Rock and Cornish stock. |
rock crystal |
clear, esp. colorless, quartz. |
rock dove |
a European wild pigeon from which most common and domesticated pigeons are derived. |
rock garden |
a garden established among rocks or provided with rocks that usu. contains alpine or other plants that grow well in rocky places. |
rock salt |
common salt in solid form, occurring in large irregular rocklike masses; natural sodium chloride. |
rock squirrel |
a gray, black-headed ground squirrel found in the rocky regions of the western United States and Mexico. |
rock star |
A rock star is a very famous and successful performer of rock music. |