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Children's Dictionary
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binary system a numbering system with a base of two. In binary numbers, any number can be expressed by 1, 0, or a combination of these. The number five is written as "101" in the binary system.
circulatory system a system in the body made up of the heart, blood vessels, blood, and lymph vessels that carries blood and lymph around the body.
digestive system the parts of the body that work together to break down food so that it can be used by the body as energy. The human digestive system includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
metric system a system of weights and measures that is based on the number ten.
nervous system the system of nerves and nerve centers in most animals with more than one cell.
respiratory system the system that brings oxygen to the body. It is made up of the lungs, diaphragm, windpipe, and nasal passages.
solar system our Sun, its eight planets and their moons, and all other bodies that travel around the Sun, or any system that includes a star and all of the matter which orbits that star, including planets and moons.
system unit the main part of a computer, which houses its essential components.