Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite
Intermediate Dictionary


parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: verb
inflections: dances, dancing, danced
definition 1: to move the feet and body in a rhythmic way, usually to music.
Everyone got up and danced when the band started playing.
similar words:
rock, sway, twirl, whirl
definition 2: to jump or skip along in excitement.
She was so happy she danced down the hall.
similar words:
bounce, caper, frisk, frolic, hop, prance, romp, skip
definition 3: to move quickly and lightly in a way that suggests dancing.
The treetops danced in the wind.
similar words:
dart, flicker, flit, skip, trip
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a set pattern of steps or movements usually done to music.
The waltz was a popular dance in the 1800s.
similar words:
polka, reel, waltz
definition 2: The art of dancing.
She is studying music and dance.
similar words:
definition 3: a party or gathering where people come to dance.
The school dance is on Saturday night.
similar words:
ball, formal, hop, party, social
definition 4: an act of dancing; one turn of dancing.
He chose a partner for the last dance of the evening.
similar words:
Word Builder: dance +
  • dancer:
    a person who dances.
  • dancing:
    the act of moving the body with rhythm.
Word Explorer
broader categories that include dance
similar to dancing
some actions in dancing
some descriptions of dancing
some kinds of dance
some parts of dances
some people associated with dancing
some places for dancing
used in dancing