- pronunciation:
- deIt
- parts of speech:
- noun, verb
- phrases:
- out of date
part of speech: |
noun |
definition 1: |
a particular day or point in time.
What is today's date?
- similar words:
- day, time
definition 2: |
an appointment to meet for a social event.
We made a date to have dinner.- similar words:
- appointment, engagement, meeting, rendezvous
phrase: |
out of date |
part of speech: |
verb |
inflections: |
dates, dating, dated |
definition 1: |
to write or print the date on.
Date your paper on the top line before you turn it in. |
definition 2: |
to find out the date of.
The scientists tried to date the ancient pottery they dug up. |
definition 3: |
to meet with socially at particular times.
How long have you been dating her?- similar words:
- court, escort, see
definition 4: |
to be of a particular time.
These toy soldiers date from the 1950s.- similar words:
- belong to, come from, originate
derivations: |
datable (dateable) (adj.), dater (n.) |