Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite
Intermediate Dictionary


parts of speech:
noun, adjective, adverb
Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the place where a person or animal lives.
It's fun to go places, but I like being at home too.The forest is home to many animals.
address, dwelling, place, residence
similar words:
accommodation, habitat, homestead, house, lodging, nest, quarter, roost
definition 2: the house, apartment, or other building in which a person lives.
Her home has three rooms.
apartment, cabin, condominium, house, mansion, mobile home, town house
similar words:
bungalow, camper, cottage, hovel, hut, shack
definition 3: one's family environment.
He comes from an unhappy home.She grew up in a home that believed in the importance of education.
similar words:
circle, household, nest, place, roost
definition 4: the country, town, or other area where a person lives or grew up.
Although I lived in Japan for ten years, Canada will always be my home.
country, homeland, hometown
similar words:
birthplace, land, locality, nation
definition 5: a place where people who cannot take care of themselves live and are cared for.
Our town has a group home for children who have no parents.
similar words:
institution, mission, shelter
definition 6: home plate in baseball or softball.
He ran to home as fast as he could.
home plate
similar words:
part of speech: adjective
definition: having to do with one's home.
His home life is happy.
domestic, household
similar words:
homemade, indigenous, native
part of speech: adverb
definition 1: to or toward home; homeward.
I take the bus home after school.It was late, so we decided to go home.
similar words:
indoors, within
definition 2: in the direction pointed to or aimed at.
Robin's arrow struck home.
Word Builder: home +
  • homeless:
    having no home.
  • homemade:
    made at home, not in a factory.
  • homeroom:
    the classroom where you meet in the morning so the teacher can take attendance.
  • homesick:
    feeling sad because you are away from you home and family.
  • homework:
    work for school that you do at home.
Word Explorer
animal homes
broader category that includes homes
similar to home
some activities associated with a homes
some kinds of homes
some parts of a home
some people associated with a home
some sections of homes
some tools used in making homes