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Children's Dictionary
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equal rights the same rights for all people.
Equal Rights Amendment a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit the infringement of rights because of gender.
equal sign a mathematical symbol (=) indicating that the value on one side of the sign is equal to the value on the other side of the sign.
equal-area of or denoting any of several types of map projection in which portions of the earth's surface that are of equal area are given equal space on a map.
greater than or equal to in mathematics, being a quantity equal to or larger than the quantity that follows.
greater than or equal to sign in mathematics, a symbol (≥) indicting that the value before the sign is equal to or greater than the value after the sign.
less than or equal to in mathematics, being a quantity equal to or smaller than the quantity that follows.
less than or equal to sign in mathematics, a symbol (≤) indicting that the value before the sign is equal to or smaller than the value after the sign.