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Elementary Dictionary



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parts of speech:
adjective, pronoun
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: "Another" means one more of the same thing. When you want another piece of bread, it means that you want one more piece of bread.
I was still thirsty, so I got another glass of water.
definition 2: "Another" sometimes means "different." If someone you know lives in another country, it means that they live in a country that is not the same as yours.
Can you speak another language?That's not the blue shirt I was looking for. That's another one.
part of speech: pronoun
definition 1: "Another" means one thing more (of the same thing as before). If you have something and you want another, it means that you want one more thing just like it.
I've had two pancakes already, but I think I could eat another.
definition 2: "Another" sometimes means a different one.
I don't like this book very much, so I think I'll read another.