Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite
Intermediate Dictionary


parts of speech:
noun, verb
draw the line, line up
Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a long, thin mark.
I drew a line in the dust with a stick.
similar words:
band, bar, furrow, limit, mark, outline, score, strip
definition 2: a boundary or limit; point at which something must stop.
We drove across the state line.Jamie, your behavior has crossed the line!
border, boundary, edge, limit, outline
similar words:
bound, compass, frontier, margin, rim
definition 3: a mathematical figure that is represented by a long, straight, unbroken mark with arrows at each end. The arrows mean that the line continues endlessly in both directions. A line, in mathmatics, has length that goes on forever but no width.
definition 4: a string, rope, or wire.
Put the wet clothes out on the line to dry.Dwayne put a new fishing line on his rod and attached a hook to the end.
cable, cord, filament, rope, twine
similar words:
definition 5: a row of people or things.
The line for tickets went all the way around the block.
queue, row, string
similar words:
array, chain, procession, range, run, series
definition 6: a transportation system, or a particular path taken by vehicles in the system.
To get to the shopping mall, you have to change to another bus line.
similar words:
railroad, railway, subway, transit
definition 7: a wire or set of wires that carry signals in an electrical or telephone system.
The telephone line on our street was knocked down in the storm.
cable, wire
similar words:
circuit, telegraph, trunk
definition 8: a very short written message; letter.
Drop me a line and let me know when you will be in town.
memo, memorandum, notation, note, word
similar words:
letter, message
part of speech: verb
inflections: lines, lining, lined
definition 1: to take a place in a line (usually followed by "up").
We lined up in front of the booth to get cotton candy.
similar words:
align, organize, range, rank, string
definition 2: to cause to form into a line or row.
The teacher lined the children up by height, with the shortest one first.
similar words:
align, arrange, marshal, rank, straighten, string
definition 3: to mark with a line or lines.
I used a ruler to line my paper.
groove, rule, underline
similar words:
draft, draw, furrow, inscribe, score, sketch, streak, trace
phrase: draw the line, line up
Word Explorer
  clothing, electricity, fish, shape