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Children's Dictionary
Multi-word Results
close call (informal) a narrow escape from danger, failure, detection, or the like.
close down to cease operation permanently or for an extended period of time. [5 definitions]
close in to come near to something or someone, as during a chase or race.
close in on to come near to or surround in order to capture.
close off of police or other authority, to block access to (a path, road, or area).
close quarters a narrow, confined space. [2 definitions]
close shave (informal) danger narrowly avoided.
close-fisted not generous, esp. with money; stingy; miserly.
close-fitting of a garment, adhering closely to the contours of the body.
close-grained of wood or the like, having a smooth hard texture.
close-hauled with the sails trimmed very flat for sailing as close as possible to the wind.
close-knit closely joined or organized; bonded tightly.
close-mouthed saying little; not talkative; reticent.
close-set being near to one another, or having parts or elements placed near to one another.
close-up a picture taken very close to someone or something to show details. Close-ups are taken in still photographs and films for television and movies.