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air curtain a draft of compressed air blown continuously across a doorway, usu. downward, to act as a door in maintaining interior temperature.
bamboo curtain (sometimes cap.) a barrier to trade and diplomacy, based on ideological and political differences, that formerly existed between the People's Republic of China and the West, attributed by the latter to the secrecy and censorship practiced by the Chinese. (Cf. iron curtain.)
curtain call an invitation, communicated by an audience's appreciative applause, for performers to return to the stage after a performance has ended.
curtain raiser a short play presented before the main production. [2 definitions]
curtain wall an exterior wall that has no structural function.
drop curtain a stage curtain that is lowered and raised rather than drawn to or from the sides.
iron curtain (sometimes cap.) the barrier to free communication and exchange of information which was attributed by Western nations to the secrecy and censorship of the Soviet Union after World War II.