Word Explorer
Dictionary Suite
Elementary Dictionary



dih zaIn
parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: verb
inflections: designs, designing, designed
definition 1: When you design something, you draw or make plans that show how it will look or how it will be made.
He designs costumes for movies.She designed the new art museum for the city.
similar words:
block out, draft, frame, outline, plot, scheme, shape, sketch, style
definition 2: If something is designed to do a certain thing, it means that it was made for that purpose. If boots are designed to keep your feet dry, then keeping your feet dry was the goal of the people who made your boots. If something is designed for certain people, then it was made for those people to use or get something good from. That was the plan of the people who made it.
Race cars are designed to go very fast.This playground is designed for very young children.
similar words:
aim at, reserve
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A design is a plan or drawing that shows how to build something, or it is the way something is put together or appears because of the way it was planned.
The principal approved the design for the new school library.My mom bought some new chairs for the living room. She says their design makes them more comfortable.
draft, plan, program, scheme, strategy
similar words:
agenda, diagram, map, outline, sketch
definition 2: A design is a drawing made by an artist as a model of something.
The artist drew some new designs for winter coats.
drawing, picture
similar words:
painting, sketch
definition 3: A design is a pattern or an arrangement of things in a certain way.
Amy's pajamas are blue with a design of yellow and white stars on them.
similar words:
decoration, detail, figure, print, shape, style
Word Explorer
  art, clothing
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