Word Explorer
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Elementary Dictionary


parts of speech:
noun, verb
Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: The face is the front part of your head. Your eyes, nose, and mouth are parts of your face.
The dog excitedly jumped on Aaron and licked his face.Jessie washes her face in the sink every morning after she wakes up.
definition 2: A face is also a certain look on your face that shows how you are feeling. When you have a sad face, other people can tell you are sad when they look at your face. If you have a happy face, people know you are happy.
Sylvia's grandmother greeted her with a happy face and gave her a warm hug.
similar words:
air, appearance, look
definition 3: The face of a thing or person is how something looks from the outside. The real situation or the real feelings may be different.
Brad put on a brave face for his little sister as they were about to enter the haunted house together. Brad didn't want his little sister to know that he was scared too.
similar words:
appearance, exterior
definition 4: A face is also a front part of something, or a flat part on the outside of something.
The face of the clock is white, and the back and sides of the clock are black.A cube has six faces.The face of the mountain has no trees, and it is dangerous to climb.
similar words:
exterior, surface
part of speech: verb
inflections: faces, facing, faced
definition 1: When you face someone, you look in their direction. When you want to see someone or hear them better, you usually face them. When something faces another thing, the front of it is turned toward that thing.
David is shy, and it's sometimes hard for him to face people when he talks.Our house faces the road.
similar words:
definition 2: When you face something, you don't run away from it. You look right at it or fight with it even if it's scary or very hard for you.
Ryan climbed to the top of the cliff to face his fear of heights.Abby had made a big mistake, but she wasn't afraid to face the consequences of what she had done.
similar words:
brave, meet
Word Explorer
a broader category that includes face
some accessories for faces
some actions with faces
some descriptions of faces
some parts of a face
some things found on faces