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Elementary Dictionary



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Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: "Insane" is a word people sometimes use to describe someone whose mind has serious problems. "Insane" is a very strong word. A person who is called "insane" usually requires special care and treatment. Nowadays, it is more common to say that a person has a serious mental illness instead of saying they are "insane."
The young man kept hearing voices in the night. He thought someone was in his house and was going to hurt him. The young man was afraid he was going insane. Finally, he found doctors who were able to help him.
crazy, mad
definition 2: If we say that something is "insane," we mean that it is crazy. It doesn't make any sense at all. Something "insane" is often risky or dangerous.
My mom says that my uncle's plan to get rich quick is insane and it won't work.At one time, people thought the idea of humans traveling across the ocean was insane.
crazy, wild
similar words:
absurd, dumb, foolish, ridiculous
definition 3: When we call someone "insane," we often mean that they lack good judgment or they do something that is risky, dangerous, or just doesn't make sense.
Everyone said that Damian was insane for wanting to live in a cave for a year, but he really wanted to do it.My mom will not go in a car with my uncle. She says he is an insane driver.
crazy, mad
derivations: insanely (adv.), insaneness (n.)
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