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let go
part of speech: verb
inflections: lets, letting, let
definition 1: When you let someone pet your dog, you say it's OK for them to pet your dog. You allow them to do it.
Jacob let me play his new computer game.Michael's parents only let him drink soda when he's at a party. They don't let him have soda at home.
allow, permit
similar words:
approve, authorize, grant
definition 2: When you let the dog out, it means that you allow the dog to go out. If you let the dog in, it means you allow the dog to go in.
When I open the front door, I have to be careful not to let the cat out.Somebody let the bird out of its cage.
similar words:
authorize, grant
definition 3: If you say to your friend, "Let's go," you are requesting that the two of you go now. Your feeling is that you want to go and you are making a request that your friend go too. We make a lot of requests like this. We say things like "Let's play a game, "Let's go to a movie," "Let's get a snack," or "Let's sit down." "Let's" is a short way of saying and writing "let us."
When Jake said "Let's watch the football game," we all thought it was a good idea, so we went into the living room to watch.When dad said, "Let's not have hamburgers again," I said, "Yeah, let's have pizza instead."
phrase: let go