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Elementary Dictionary



le vl
parts of speech:
noun, adjective, verb
Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A level is like a line that shows how high something is. If there has been a lot of rain, the level of a river will be high. If there has been no rain, the level of the river will be low. If the level of a dance class is high, then it has students who have already studied a lot. If a student is a beginner, they need a class at a lower level.
Josh made sure that the level of soda in his glass was the same as the level in his brother's.If you let the level of the water in the bathtub get too high, the water might spill on the floor.Daniel is happy that he passed his swimming test. Now he can go on to the next level of lessons, and he can swim in the deep end of the pool.
class, degree, grade, position, rank, stage, status
similar words:
hierarchy, scale, standard, station
definition 2: A level is a flat surface like a floor in a building. When there is one level, there is always another level above or below it. When you go to the top level of a building, it means that you go to the top floor of the building.
The hotel where we stayed had twelve levels, and our room was on the tenth level.
similar words:
plain, story
definition 3: A level is a tool used by carpenters to see if a surface is parallel to the ground.
Gary's father used a level to see if the shelves he built were flat and even.
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: When something is level, it has a flat, even surface. When the ground is level, it is flat and easy to walk on.
Kim's mother tried to make the frosting on the cake level, but some places had a lot more frosting than others.
even, flat, smooth
bumpy, uneven
similar words:
definition 2: When a table is level, it is not higher at one end than another. If a table is not level at all, things might fall off it.
The floor wasn't level, and all the marbles rolled across it toward one side.
flat, horizontal
similar words:
definition 3: When things are level, they are at the same height.
David and Jason are the same height. When they stand back to back, you can see that their heads are level.Jade's mom hung three paintings on the living room wall and worked hard to make them all level.
equal, even, same
similar words:
alike, identical
part of speech: verb
inflections: levels, leveling, leveled
definition 1: When you level the ground, you make the ground flat or even.
The bulldozer leveled the bumpy ground.
even, flatten, smooth
definition 2: When a building is leveled, it means that the building is torn down or destroyed completely.
The old parking garage was leveled so that the area could be made into a park.
similar words:
flatten, ruin
definition 3: When you level an arrow at a target, it means that you aim or direct the arrow at the target. If you level your eyes at something, you turn your attention to it and look directly at it.
All eyes were leveled on the boy who dropped his lunch tray on the floor.
aim, direct, point
similar words:
cast, focus
derivations: levelly (adv.), levelness (n.)
Word Explorer
  home, measurement, tool