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Elementary Dictionary


parts of speech:
noun, verb
Homophone Note
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A need is something that you must have or that that you must do.
People's need for sleep changes as they grow. Babies have a great need for sleep, but the need of adults is much less.
obligation, requirement
similar words:
duty, necessity, want
definition 2: If you are in need of something, you don't have this thing and it is very important or necessary for you to have it. If people are in need of food, they don't have food. When plants are in need of water, it means that they are dry and could be in trouble if they don't get water soon.
My dad says there is a need for more doctors in our town. He says there are a lot of people and not enough doctors.The crops are in need of rain.
lack, want
similar words:
definition 3: When we say that people are in need, we mean that they are poor or that they do not have things necessary to live.
Every year, our school donates canned foods and clothes to people in need.
similar words:
distress, pinch, trouble
part of speech: verb
inflections: needs, needing, needed
definition 1: When you need something, you want to have it very much or you must have it. Water and food are things that all people need.
People need air to breathe.I need a new swimming suit because mine is too small now.Jason couldn't buy the candy he wanted because he needed fifty cents.
call for, require
similar words:
definition 2: When you need to do something, you have to do it. You believe it is necessary to do or someone else tells you it is necessary.
My mom says I need to clean up my room. I'll be in trouble if I don't.I need to leave now or I'll miss the bus.
similar words:
Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word knead (to press or rub)? Need and knead sound alike but have different meanings.