Word Explorer
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Elementary Dictionary


Homophone Note, Word Explorer
part of speech: verb
inflections: reads, reading, read
definition 1: When you read, you look at words that are written and use your mind to understand them.
James read fifteen books over summer vacation.Levi likes to read magazines about nature, especially animals.
definition 2: When you read something to someone, you speak aloud words that are written.
My mother used to read stories to me before bed when I was little.I read the list of things we needed from the grocery store to my dad.
similar words:
definition 3: When you read someone's mood, you can tell how they are feeling just by looking at them or seeing what they are doing. If you read someone's mind, you know what they are thinking without them saying anything.
Linus has been my friend for so long that I sometimes think we can read each other's minds.
definition 4: When a clock reads four o'clock, the clock shows four o'clock. If a thermometer reads ninety-eight degrees, it shows ninety-eight degrees.
My watch reads two-thirty exactly. What does your watch say?When I stood on the scale, it read ninety pounds.
similar words:
register, say
definition 5: If a mother reads her little boy to sleep, it means that her reading to him makes him go to sleep.
When Kira was little, her grandmother used to read her to sleep.
Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word reed (tall grass)? Read and reed sound alike but have different meanings. The past tense of read and the color red also sound alike but have different meanings.
Word Explorer
  book, learn, leisure, literature, school