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Elementary Dictionary



rih vyu
parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: verb
inflections: reviews, reviewing, reviewed
definition 1: When you review something, you study it again, or you help other people remember what they learned about it.
Alan's teacher reviewed the things the class studied before giving out the quiz.
definition 2: When someone reviews something like a book or movie or restaurant, they give a report on what is good about it and what is not good.
After the newspaper critic reviewed the new restaurant, it became very popular. He wrote many good things about it.
similar words:
analyze, criticize, evaluate
definition 3: When you review things that have happened in the past, you look back at all of them and think about them.
On Cori's birthday, she reviewed the things she did that made her happy over the past year.
similar words:
definition 4: When a general reviews soldiers, he checks them over in an official way.
The general reviewed the troops.
similar words:
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A review is a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about something like a new book, movie, play, or restaurant.
Lots of people went to see the movie after it received many good reviews.
definition 2: A review is a looking back over things that have been done or studied in the past.
This textbook has a review at the end of every chapter.
definition 3: When soldiers have a review, they are inspected by their officers.
The soldiers lined up for the review.
derivation: reviewable (adj.)
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