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Elementary Dictionary


rum [or] rUm
parts of speech:
noun, verb
Word History, Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A room is any part of a building that is separated from other areas by walls or doors.
My room is next to my sister's room.
similar words:
definition 2: Room is the space that is around things, or it is empty space that can be filled with things or people.
These boxes take up a lot of room in the closet.After Gabby put all her clothes in her suitcase, there wasn't any more room for her sneakers.
place, space
similar words:
definition 3: Sometimes a "room" means the whole group of people who are in a room. If a room gets noisy, it means that the people in the room get noisy.
The whole room had their eyes on Peter during his piano performance.
part of speech: verb
inflections: rooms, rooming, roomed
definition: When someone rooms in another person's house, it means that they live or stay in their house. They might have to pay money to stay there. If you room with another person, the two of you live or stay for a while in the same place, often sharing a room.
My cousin roomed with us for a year when he was in college near us.Josh roomed with his best friend at summer camp last year.
similar words:
dwell, live
Word History
In Old English, the word rum meant "space" or "enough space."
Word Builder: kinds of rooms
  • bathroom:
    a room where people wash and use the toilet.
  • bedroom:
    a room where people sleep and keep their clothing.
  • dining room:
    a room where people sit and eat a meal at a table.
  • laundry room:
    a room where people do laundry.
  • living room:
    a room where people sit and relax.
  • store room:
    a room where people store things.
Word Explorer
broader category that includes rooms
some examples of rooms
some parts of rooms
some things found in rooms
some things used in making rooms