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Elementary Dictionary


parts of speech:
adjective, noun, adverb, verb
round off
Word Builder, Word Explorer
part of speech: adjective
inflections: rounder, roundest
definition 1: When something is round, it has the shape of a ball or a circle. Baseballs, tennis balls, dimes, and pennies are some things that are round.
Instead of sitting at desks, the kids sat in groups at large round tables.Dan likes to make his snowballs very round before he throws them.
circular, oval
definition 2: When something is curved and is similar to the shape of a circle or ball, we say that it's round.
My little sister's shoes are round at the end. My shoes are more pointed.Amy chose a blouse with a round collar.
similar words:
part of speech: noun
definition 1: When someone makes their rounds, they make a complete series of stops or visits.
The doctor explained things to the medical students as she made her rounds with the patients.The police officers made their rounds of the neighborhood and everything seemed quiet.
definition 2: When you play a round of a game or sport, you play one complete game.
Jasper only had time to play one round of chess with his brother.Alan won the first round of his new game, but he lost the second.
definition 3: A round is a bursting out of something, especially applause from an audience.
Nadia was given a round of applause after her violin performance.
definition 4: A round is a serving of a specific food or drink for each member of a group. If people want more of the food or drink, the group might have another round.
Everybody liked Julia's fruit punch so much that they wanted another round. Fortunately, she'd made just enough for one more.
definition 5: A round is a single shot from a gun or larger weapon.
James hit the target with his last round.
part of speech: adverb
definition: "Round" sometimes means "around." When you turn round, you turn around.
Kevin spun round in his chair to see who called his name.The dog chased its tail round and round.
similar words:
part of speech: verb
inflections: rounds, rounding, rounded
definition 1: When you round something, you make it round or curved in shape.
The artist rounded all the cats' eyes in her painting.
similar words:
bend, curve
definition 2: When a car rounds a corner, it goes around the corner.
Our dog rounded the corner too fast and slipped on the floor.
similar words:
follow, skirt, take
definition 3: When something rounds, it becomes round or curved in shape.
The rocks on the beach rounded after many years of waves breaking them down.
similar words:
bend, curve
phrase: round off
derivations: roundish (adj.), roundness (n.)
Word Builder: round +
  • rounded1:
    of a number, estimated or approximate.
  • rounded2:
    of a shape, having curves or like a circle.
Word Explorer
  game, weapon