Word Explorer
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Elementary Dictionary


parts of speech:
verb, noun
Word Explorer
part of speech: verb
inflections: squeezes, squeezing, squeezed
definition 1: When you squeeze something, you hold it and press it together tightly.
Martin's mom told him not to squeeze the cat too hard because it could hurt her.Sometimes you have to squeeze a bottle of ketchup to get any out.
similar words:
crush, pinch, press
definition 2: When you squeeze a fruit to get the juice out of it, you press it together hard on all sides until the juice comes out. We often squeeze fruits like lemons or oranges. Certain devices can be used to help you squeeze a fruit to get its juice out.
My mom squeezed a grapefruit for some juice for my dad. She didn't need to squeeze any for me and my sister because we don't like it.
similar words:
crush, press
definition 3: Sometimes to squeeze someone means to hug them.
Daryl's grandmother always squeezes him and gives him a kiss when she comes for a visit.
similar words:
cuddle, grasp
definition 4: When you squeeze something into something else, you press it into a small or crowded space.
Amy's mom squeezed two more sweaters into her suitcase.
similar words:
crowd, impact, pack, press, ram, wedge
definition 5: If you squeeze in somewhere, you force yourself into a crowded space. If you squeeze through a thing or space, you go through even though the space is tight.
A lot of people were sitting at the table, but Martin was able to squeeze in.The window was open just enough for the cat to squeeze through.
similar words:
jam, muscle, press, push, wedge
part of speech: noun
definition 1: The amount of juice or other liquid that you get out of squeezing something is called a squeeze.
My aunt likes her tea with a squeeze of lemon.
similar words:
drop, pinch
definition 2: A hug is sometimes called a "squeeze."
My dad gave me a big squeeze before he went to work this morning.
derivations: squeezable (adj.), squeezer (n.)
Word Explorer